The present study includes the topographic relations between the spinal cord segments and the skeletal landmarks of the corresponding Corpus vertebrae in camel, in addition to the length and diameters of the spinal cord segments and the number of rootlets of the spinal nerves.
The cervical portion of the spinal cord extends from the For. magnum till the caudal margin of the last cervical vertebra. A caudal displace ment of the thoracic segments begins at the tenth one and continues caudally till the end of the thoracic region. However, a cranial displace ment takes place at the seventh lumbar spinal cord segment.
The cervical enlargement in camel extends from C to T., while the lumbar one extends from L to S,. In these two positions, the number fo rootlets of the spinal nerves reach their maximum.
The present study revealed that the spinal cord terminates at the junction between the 2nd and 3rd sacral vertebrae. Its avarage length is about 213.6 cm.