The arterial blood supply of the spinal cord of the rabbit is derived from the single ventral spinal artery and the two dorsal spinal ones, in addition to the well developed A. radicula ris magna ventralis and the Aa. radiculares magnae dorsales dextra and sinistra.
The ventral spinal artery is represented by an irregular longitu
by an irregular longitu dinal arterial vessel which is formed by the union of the two caudally directed Aa. radiculares ventrales | dextre and sinistra. The right and left dorsal spinal areries are well deve loped in the cervical region and originates from the caudally directed branches of the first right and left Aa. radiculares dorsales.
The caudal portion of the spinal cord specially the lumbar enlargement, is richly supplied by the single A. radicularis magna ventralis, in addition to the right and left Aa. radiculares magnae dorsales. The stereo-microscopic examination of the spinal cord revealed that its texture is vascularized by five groups of marginal arteries, in addition to the Aa. fissuro commissurales of the ventral spinal artery and the Aa. sulci of the dorsal spinal ones.