Studies on the maternal transmission of antibodies from vaccinat ed pregnant ewes and buffaloes showed a remarkable degree of correlation between the agglutination levels found in the dams sera at the time of parturition and the antibody titre of the offspring. The titre of colostral whey was mostly higher than that of the dams serum. The average agglutination titre dropped at 2 months to 3.3 ul of serum in lambs and to 4.6 ul in calves.
Electrophoretic analysis of colostral whey of ewes showed an increase in the lacta-albumin, the B, lacta-globulins and the B, lacta-globulins in colostral whey positive to the agglutina tion test using Cl.chauvoei antigen compared with the negative samples. This increase was statistically insignificant concerning the lacta-albumin and the B, lacta-globulins. The increase of B, lacta-globulins was statistically significant. Electrophoretic analysis of sera from lambs suckling immune dams and of lambs from non-immunized dams from birth to 4 months old were studied. There was no statistically significant difference between the percentage of albumin, alpha, B, B, and gamma globulins in the sera of lambs from immunized 'dams when compared with those of non-immunized dams. There was only a statistically significant increase in the B, globulins of lambs from immunized dams at two weeks old.