The present study have been carried out to investigate the effect of fluorine, sulphur dioxde and sulphur trioxide gases emitted from Manqubad Super-phosphate Factory, Assiut province, Egypt. which pollute the area around the factory and affect animal health.
During this investigation 114 camels were chosen from different areas at various distances from the factory. The affected animals showed various clinical signs of chronic fluorine and sulphur intoxications. These signs included emaciation, paleness of the mucous membranes, anaemia, general poor health and dental lesions, in the form of staining mottling, browish discolouration and wearing of the teeth.
As a conclusion camels present in highly polluted areas were affected by the toxic fumes and showed the signs of intoxication. Camels like other animal species showed the symptoms of fluorosis and sulphur osis.
Finally it is important to prevent or even minimize the environmental pollution by sulphur and fluoride compounds to protect the animal health and production.