Dematiaceous hypomycetes which may be encountered in slaughtered camels, cattle and in the surrounding environment at Cairo abattoir were isolated and identified. For this purpose 250 samples were collected from surfaces of slaughtered camels and cattle and their intestinal contents as well as from air, walls and floors of slaughter halls. 580 Dematiaceous hyphomycetes were isolated, 52.59% and 47.41% from camels and cattle respectively.
The main isolated genera were cladosporium (38.48%), Alternaria (17.59% ), locladium (4.8%), Phialephora (0.06%), Phoma (0.52%), Brac hy sporium (0.17%), Drechslora (0.17), Phragospathula (0.17%) and Asper- to gillus (37.24). From these genera Aspergillus niger and other 16 species could be also identified.
The hygienic significance and zoonotic importance of the isolated Dema tiaceous hyphomycetes, sources of contamination and the recommended hygienic measures were discussed.