One hundred and fifty random samples of market milk collected from different localities in Cairo and its Suburbs, were examined bacteriologic ally for detection, count, isolation and identification of Enterobacteriac eae
All examined samples proved to be contaminated with Enterobacteriac eae with a mean value of 283.6x10''/ml. Out of the 150 samples examined, 14 proved to be contaminated with E.coli secologically identif
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Klebsiella oxytoca, K.rhinoscleromatis, K.pneumaniae, K.ozoenae, Entero bacter cloacae, Ent. aerogenes, Ent.agglomerans, Citrobacter freundii, Cit.diversus and Cit.amalonaticus could be isolated at various rates ranging from 4.67% to 34.67%.
Salmonella muenster could be isolated for the first time from market milk in Egypt. Proteus mirabilis, P.vulgaris, Providenceia rettgeri, Provid. Stuartii, Serratia odorifera and S.marcescens could be isolated at varying percent ages ranging from 0.67% to 8%.
The public health importance and hygienic significance of isolates as well as the suggested measures for improving the quality of produced milk have been mentioned.