The muscles of the leg region consist of craniolateral group and caudo medial group. The former group includes Mm.peroneus (Fibularis) tertius,
longus, tibialis cranialis, peroneus longus and extensor extensor digitorum
lateralis. The Mofibularis tertius is the most cranial muscle of digitorum
the leg and its fleshy belly is firmly attached and overlapping the fleshy part of the M.extensor digitorum longus.
The tendon of insertion of the extensor digitorum longus is divided into two unequal parts, small medial and large lateral one, before passing under the proximal tarsal retinaculum. The M.peroneus longus of the camel which is grossly fleshy, comes from the lateral tibial condyle.
The caudomedial group includes, Mm.flexor digitorum profundus and poplit eus. The M.flexor digitorum profundus consists of Mm.flexor digitorum longus and tibialis caudalis only.