The lateral and medial muscles of the thigh were studied on the pelvic
latae which can be observed from both sides, medial and lateral beside cranially also attached by its origin to the tuber coxae, its fleshy part is quadriangular in shape infolding the proximal part of the rectus femoris, its cranial border covered by a thick elastic sheet of fascia from the origin till its insertion in the patella. The M.gluteus medius consists of two parts, superficial and deep one, the superficial p < strong>art has a small caudal part called M.piriformis. The deep part of the M.gluteus medius is smaller than the superficial one and called M.gluteus accessorus. The Megluteus profundus is the deepest muscle of gluteal region.
The medial muscles of the thigh included the M.sartorius which has a divided origin from which the iliopsoas muscle passes through it together with the femoral blood vessels. The M.pectineus is fusiform shape its tail flattened cranio caudally. The M.adductor is the most powefull from the medial group it consists of cranial small part M.adductor minor and large caudal one M.adductor major. The M.quadratus femoris is triangular in its cross section. The M.obturator externus is funnel shape attached to the obturator foramen externally the M.obturator internus is fan shape closing the obturator foramen on its pelvic surface. The M.Gemelli is triangular shape has cranial and caudal parts the tendon of the caudal part is completely fused with the tendon of M.obturator internus.