The V.azygos dextra was examined in 15 injected specimens of baladi
studied. It releases rabbit. Its origin, course and distribution were fully the V.broncho-esophagea as well as the Vv.intercostales dorsales. V-XI, and terminates caudal to the last rib as V.lumbalis I. The subpleural course of the Vv.intercostales dorsales decreased gradually as far caudad as
approach to the interchondral spaces
hand, is gradually increased from Sth through 8th ones. However, the last three vessels are nestled in these spaces. The coruse of each one is measured and recorded in table (1). The collateral branches of the former group of veins, reveal no anastomoses, however those of the last three ones present a conspicuous anastomoses with the Vv.intercostales ventrales.