A three-years-old bull was presented to the clinic with a massive prominent
swelling at the left cheek just caudal to the left mouth commisure (Fig. 1). The clinic-
al and radiological examination showed the presence of a stalked epulis attaching
the alveolar edge of the second mandibular prernolar tooth, resulting in displacement
of the later (Fig. 2).
Surgical excision of the swelling was performed under effect of Rompun analge-
sia (0.15 mg/Kg BWt., I/M). Haemorrhage was controlled by electrocoagulation. The
excised swelling was ovoid in shape; ‘ID cm in length and 6 cm In thickness (Fig.
3). It was lirm and dense in consistency. lt displaced and loosened the second men-
dibular premolar tooth to the degree that it was removed easily during the excision
of the swelling. _
Cross section revealed that the swelling is composed oi white fibrous connective
tissue with an osseous part near the line of attachement to the periosteum (Fig.
4 & 5).