A surgical procedure for extraction of a cataracteous lens from a donkey was described and performed on 24 cataracteous eyes of 19 donkeys
extraction sexes (14 unilateral and 5 bilateral). Intracapsular of both technique was used for treatment of mature and hyper mature cataract (21 eyes) while extracapsular technique was used for lenticular cataract
the lens capsule was transparent (3 eyes). During surgery, in which
9 eyes (either complete or partial) occurred in vitreous presentation out of 24(37.5%). The follow-up of the cases varied between 1-6 months. The results and the fate of operation were, 11 cataracteous eyes (45.80%) had complete recovery, 6 cataracteous eyes (25%) had partial corneal
opacity, 5 cataracteous eyes (20.80%) had complete corneal opacity and 2 cataractous eyes (8.30%) had phthesis bulbi. The main cause of vitreous presentation was the presence of syneresis of vitreous humor which could not be diagnosed before operation, the presence of irido cyclitis which could not be treated completely before operation and some mistakes during destruction of the zonules. Complete corneal opacity was mainly due to corneal edema and inflammatory condition. Partial corneal opacity may be due to the inflammatory processes induced by the suture material at the sclerolimbal incision. Phthesis bulbi was mainly due to complete vitreous presentation and collapse of the eyeball.