Recovery of coliforms and Escherichia coli from some selected meat products were determined using Most Probable Number (MPN) technique. A total number of 47 different meat products samples (19 beef burger, 16 sausage and 12 luncheon) were analysed. Coliforms were found in all examined samples with average counts of 10095.95, 7665.38 and 7409.93/8 examined beef burger, sausage and luncheon samples, while E.coli were detected in 9447.37%), 4(25%) and 5(41.67%) out of examined samples with average counts of 617.25, 703.44 and 18.68/8 examined sample respectively. MPN technique is recommended for many food products particularly when the compositional nature of the sample makes it difficult to use standard p < /strong>lating procedures and when the microbial density of the sample is less than 10 organisms or colony forming units (CFU) p < /strong>er gram. The presence of coliforms in all samples is attributed to contamination of raw meat used for manufacture of such products. In addition, meat p < /strong>roducts may be also contaminated with E.coli from food handlers, food utensils, air, soil and water under incomplete hygienic circumstances during manufacturing, packing and marketing of these p < /strong>roducts. So, it is very imp < /strong>ortant to control the hygienic measures periodically in such factories particularly during p < /strong>rep < /strong>aration and manufacturing of these meat products.