The right crus of the ferret's diaphragm originated from the bodies of the second, third and fourth and the left crus from the bodies
of the second and third lumbar vertebrae. The latter crus was divided into medial and lateral crura, where the aortic hiatus was located between them. The oesophageal hiatus was situated between the two crura. The tendinous center of the diaphragm was represented by three narrow lines in the form of Y shap < /strong>e. The costal part of the diaphragm was attached to the medial aspect of the 10th to 14th costal cartilages. The pericardiophrenic ligament extended from the pericardium at the level of the interventricular notch of the heart and passed caudally in the form of a cord to join the thoracic surface of the diahragm. The diaphragm was supp < /strong>lied through A phrenica cranialis and Rr.Phrenici of the 10th to 13th Aa. intercostales dorsales. It was drained through Vv. phrenicae dextrum et sinistrum, in addition to 10th to 13th Vv. intercostales and a branch which drained the lumbar part then joined v. azyyos. The phrenic nerve was originated from the ventral branches of the 5th, 6th and 7th cervical spinal nerves on both sides.