A screening of antibodies was done in the sera of 5 months old balady chickens against Newcastle disease virus, tenosynovitis virus, Egg drop syndrom, Fowl pox, Infectious bursal disease, Infectious bronchitis virus, Infectious larengeotrachitis virus, Mycop < /em>lasma gallisepticum, and Mycop < /em>lasma synoviae, using agar gel precipitation test, indirect haemagglutination test, rapid plate agglutination test, and haemagglutination inhibition test. The passive haemagglutination geometric mean antibody titers using the mentioned viruses adsorbed to chromic chloride treated sheep red blood cells were higher than that obtained using the same viruses adsorbed to tannic acid treated sheep red cells The differences were 1.64, 2.05, 0.1, 0.42, 0.3, 0.07, 0.12 respectively. The passive haemagglutination geometric mean antibody titers against NDV, EDS were higher than the analogous haemagglutination inhibition geometric mean antibody titers, the differences were 2.63, 0.5 respectively. The incidence of Mycop < /em>lasma gallisepticum and Mycop < /em>lasma synoviae infection was 8.7.14% and 92.85% respectively by rapid plate agglutination test while their haemagglutination inhibition geometric mean antibody titer was 5.3 Log2.