The present investigation was carried out to study the post - hatchery developmental changes in the oviduct of high (Hy-Line) and low (Dandrawi) egg-producing fowl within the period from the first day to 24 weeks after hatching. The epithelial lining of the oviduct of immature chickens showed clear evidence of ciliogenesis which occured sporadically at the first day after hatching. Four different morphological stages could be recognized within this lining epithelium. At the 20th week, the lamina epithelialis in Dandrawi was higher and more differentiated than that of Hy-Line breed. It was formed of ciliated and non ciliated (secretory) cells. These morphological features were demonstrated only at 24 weeks in Hy-Line breed. The newly formed oviducal glands at the infundibulum, isthmus and vagina were recognized earlier (6 weeks) than those at the magnum and uterus (12 weeks). They were represented by short tubules connecting the lamina epithelialis. With the advancement of age the lamina propria of the mucosal folds was occupied completely by the tubular glands at 20 weeks in Dandrawi and at 24 weeks in Hy-Line breeds. The muscular tunic was ill-developed at the earlier stages of development where it was represented by isolated smooth muscle fibers arranged in a circular manner. At later stages of development the muscular tunic was differentiated into an inner circular and an outer longitudinal smooth muscle layers.