This work was carried out on 6 newly born calves
and 9 adult clinically healthy cows. All radiographs es were evaluated for the degree of ossification of
the tuber calcanei which firstly developed in DST
a distop < /strong>lantar direction then in a proximodorsal com a direction. The comp < /strong>lete fusion of the tuber
calcanei takes p < /strong>lace at the age. of 40 months. Using teso Bioscane optimus program, different measurements of the tuber calcanei and the calcaneus proper were worla estimated. The obtained data were tabulated and
illustrated by two curves, From the anatomical she snt point of view the structure of the tarsus is
complex, and according to GREENOUGH, MACCALLUM and tail WEAVER (1972), the bovine tarsus is a region of die clinical importance, as the Tarsal joint is second only to the stifle joint in most ap < /strong>p < /strong>endicular arthritis. The tarsus of cow includes five tarsal bones, the largest one being the calcaneus which is enlarged at its proximal end to form the Tuber Calcanei or the point of hock as stated by GETTY (1975). The available references which contain information on the development and fusion time of the tuber calcanei in different animals are MACCALLUM, et al. (1978)4 SMALLWOOD et al. (1984) in horse, TICER (1975) in dog & cat but these references demand the informations on the development and fusion of the Tuber Calcanei in cow. The primary objective of this study was to give an accurate determination of fusion time and development of the Tuber Calcanei which is necessary to prevent confusion of fractures with the radiolucent physis