The navicular bursa does not communicate with the digital Tendon sheath in donkey, cattle and buffalo, but this communication was observed in three cases of camel. Moreover, the communication betweeen this bursa and the distal interphalangeal joint is not found in cattle and buffalo, however it was demonstrated in one case of donkey and two of camel. The navicular bursa extends proximally, distally and laterally beyond the edges of the navicular bone in donkey or scatum distale in camel, while the bursa has a proximal and very small distal extension in cattle and buffalo. The navicular bursa has a proximoaxial pouch in cattle and buffalo, a feature which is not present in donkey and camel. The proximal end of the bursa has distally directed sagittal projection which divides this end into two equal areas in donkey, but in cattle and buffalo the axial area is larger than the abaxial one. This projection was not observed in most cases of camel.