SUMMARY Effect of the addition of honey as a feeding stimulant to Empusa muscae, cohn. fungus suspension was tested under laboratory conditions on larvae (Three instars) of Musca domestica, Linn. Results obtained showed that a honey concentration of 0.125% increased the pathogenic effect of a 0.125% fungal suspension on larvae of three instars inducing rate of mortalities ranging between 95-100% in the different instars after three days from treatment. These levels of mortality were higher than those reported for the Empusa muscae, Cohn. fungus suspension alone the same period. However, the addition of honey at higher concentration (0.25% decreased this effect. The end mortalities among the treated larvae were obtained much earlier in the case of adding honey than without it. It is concluded that obtained results may be of value in case of application of Empusa muscae fungus for the biological control of Musca domestica, Linn. in the environinent and houses.