The arterial blood supply of the substance of the spinal cord in pigeon, duck and chicken comes mainly from the central branches (sulcal and sulco-commissural arteries) of the ventral spinal artery and from the marginal branches of the dorsal and ventral radicular arteries. The lateral and dorsal spinal plexuses, in addition to the dorsolateral and dorsal spinal arteries also send deep branches for the neighbouring texture of the spinal cord. The central branches are responsible for the vasculature of the ventral funiculi, ventral commissures, Area gelatinosa centralis and the medial portion of the base of the ventral gray column. The marginal branches are responsible for the vasculature of most of the ventral gray column, intermediate zone, dorsal gray column and the surrounding lateral and dorsal funiculi. Some marginal and fissural arteries have changed directly from the arterial side to the venous one without forming any sort of capillaries or arterio venous anastomoses.
*: The data of the cervical enlargement is submitted from the Ph.D. thesis entitled "Some studies on the vasculature, cytoarchitecture and morphometry of the cervical enlargement of chicken (Gallus demesticus), pigeon (Columba livia) and duck (Anas domestica) by HASOUNA (1990).