In late spring of 1996 a field problem of aflatoxicosis in Camels was detected in El Ewaynate Farm at El-Wady El-Gadid distrect. Where the clinical signs were pyrexia, loss of appetite, dullness, submandibular odema, enlargement of submaxillary lymph node, ulceration of the upper gum and tympany. In advanced cases nervous manifestations, tremors and paralysis of fore and hind quarter were observed. Death occured after 5-10 days from the onset of clinical signs. The mortality rate was 33%. The postmortem examination showed echymotic and petechial haemorrhage in subcutaneaus fat as well as congestion of the all internal organs. The liver was enlarged, congested with appearance of yellowish streakes and was friable in texture. The meningeal blood vessels were congested. Mycotoxicosis has been incriminated as a probable cause while bacterial, parasitic and viral examination of all collected samples revealed -ve results. The offered food samples (green & dried alfalfa) were examined for the presence of aflatoxins. The results indicate the presence of high concentration of aflatoxins (100 p.p.b). Toxogenic aspergellus flavus strain was isolated from the alfalfa. Examination of 22 serum samples revealed a pronounced elevation in the activities of alkaline phosphatase, Alanine and Aspertate transanimises with decrease in total proteins, urea, uric acid and createnine levels which indicates the great affection of the liver functions due to aflatoxicosis. Aflatoxins also were detected in the liver tissues (G1 83.07, B1 66.7, G2 113 and B2 33.6 p.p.b.). Histopathological examination showed degenerative changes and necrosis in hepatocytes, omasum, abomasum, intestinal villi, cardiac muscle fibers and some neurons of cerebrum. Congestion and heamorrages were the predominant feature in all examined organs. The obtained results were illustrated and discussed.