135 samples of raw milk, kareish cheese and ice cream (45 samples of each) were examined for presence of Aeromonas hydrophila group, by using enrichment and plating procedures. Areomonas species were detected in 66.7%, 51.1% and 40% of examined raw milk, kareish cheese and ice cream samples, with an average counts 21x10', 9x10' and 28x10" in the examined samples respectively. Aeromonas hydrophila could be detected in 26.67%, 22.22% and
Assiut Vet. Med. J. Vol. 37 No. 73, April 1997
17.78% of raw milk, kareish cheese and ice cream respectively. A. caviae could be detected in 35.56%, 15.56%, and 20% from raw milk, kareish cheese and ice cream respectively. A. caviae could be detected in 35.56%, 15.5%,and 20% from raw milk, kareish cheese and ice cream respectively. A.sobria isolated from 4.44%, 13.33% and 2.22% from the same samples respectively. Haemolytic and proteolytic activity of A.hydrophila and A.sobria were studied. The public health importance as well as recommended sanitary measures were discussed.