The effect of supplementation with bovine serum albumin (BSA) and oxytocin upon the quality of bull liquid semen as well as the degree of membrane integrity of spermatozoa were investigated during storage at 4°C. The semen was diluted by using egg yolk citrate to give 100x10 sperm/ml and divided into two portions. The BSA was added to the first portion as 0.0 mg (control), 5, 10 and 20 mg/100 X 10° sperm/ml. The second portion was supplemented with oxytocin as 0.0 IU (control), 3, 5 and 10 I.U/100 x 100 sperm/ml. All samples were stored at 4°C for 4 days as well as examined daily for sperm motility, livability and abnormality percentages. Fructose content, GOT activity and ORT were also determined. The obtained results revealed that, BSA especially the high concentrations, improved sperm motility (P<0.05) and alive sperm % (P<0.05) and decreased significantly (P<0.05) the sperm abnormalities %. BSA had a significant increasing effect on the fructose content, ОRT and decreasing effect on the levels of GOT when compared with control. The membrane integrity investigation of the treated samples after 3 and 4 days storage revealed that, high concentration (20 mg) of BSA had a good protective effect for spermatozoa, however, the oxytocin with any concentrations had a very bad effect upon the spermatozoa membrane. These findings suggest the possibility of using the BSA with the diluent for improving the semen quality and prolonged sperm cell survival with good quality.