native breed were used in this investigation (sex ratio equal to one).
Birds were randomly assigned into 3 groups, each of 20 broilers, 10
males and 10 females. Each group was housed under the prevalent
environmental conditions in a well ventilated and well lighted room with
different floor areas according to the experimented stocking density.
Birds were freely fed the commercial concentrate mixture for the
growing turkey broilers where the maximum necessary number of
feeders was eventually distributed through the room. Drinking tap water
was freely available throughout the experiment. Each group of the
experimented turkeys was reared from one week old to 12 weeks old
under. one of the following stocking densities: 1-Treatment one CEES
birds / m' where the total floor area = 4 m* 2-Treatment two (T2): 6.5
birds / m? where the total floor area = 3.08 m? 3-Treatment three (T3): 8
birds / m? where the total floor area = 2.5 m? . The behavior of the
broilers under experiment was observed and recorded. Plasma
corticosterone level was estimated. Body weight was calculated and its
health status was observed. The obtained results indicated that turkey
welfare was poorer at the highest stocking density with a significant
reflection on their behavior, blood corticosterone level, body weight and
health status. Therefore, stocking density and floor space allowance must
put in consideration during rearing of turkeys and construction of their