Female genital organs of 340 adult breeding non-pregnant buffalo-cows were collected from slaughter houses and examined grossly and microscopically with special emphasis on ovarian and Fallopian tubes affections. The ovarian affections were observed in 56/340 animals (16.46%) and included non-luteinized follicular cysts in 8 cases 2.35%), luteinized follicular cysts in 9 cases (2.64%), persistent corpora lutea in 18 cases (5.29%), paraovarian cysts in 11 cases (3.24%), ovarian aplasia in one case (0.29%), ovariobursal adhesions in 3 cases (0.88%), oophoritis in one case (0.29%), teratoma in 2 cases (0.58%), ovarian fibroma in one case (0.29%), ovarian attachment to broad ligament in one case (0.29%), and bursal cysts in 2 cases (0.58%). The oviductal affections were found in 6/340 animals (1.76%) and included hydrosalpinx in 5 cases (1.47%) and oviductal mucosal cysts in one case (0.29%). The most prominent light microscopy findings in ovaries were observed in cases of ovarian aplasia (a band of connective tissue containing many thick walled blood vessels covered by flat epithelial cells), oophoritis (lymphocytic infiltration alongside dilated blood vessels and lymphatics with edema in connective tissue stroma), teratoma (keratinized stratified squamous epithelium and thick layer of fibrous connective tissue containing hair follicles, sweat and sebaceous glands), and ovarian fibroma (fibrous connective tissue containing fibroblasts running in different directions and newly formed blood vessels). On the other hand, the histopathological changes in oviducts were characterized in case of hydrosalpinx by absence of primary and secondary folds or in some cases they were present as low folds and in case of oviductal mucosal cysts by presence of large circular cysts lined with low cuboidal epithelium.