Pollution of water has increased due to the industrial effluents, municipal waste and agricultural drainage. The aim of this work was to evaluate the haematobiochemical effect of heavy metal as well as its residues in milk in Bahar El Baker region in which Bahar El Baker drainer sea is considered the main place for agriculture drain, sewage discharge, waste water and industrial effluents in Sharkia Governorate but the water in Fakous region from Nile River. Cattle reared in Bahar El Baker exhibited some clinical symptos represented by anemia, abdominal colic, liver dysfunction, renal damage, skeletal disorder with symptoms resemble osteomalachia. A total of 50 random samples (20 each of each of raw cows milk, blood and 5 water samples were collected from cattle in Fakous and Bahar El Baker City Sharkia Governorate. Milk samples where placed in an ice box and immediately send to laboratory for determination of some heavy metals (lead, cadmium, mercury, copper and zinc) concentration by Atomic Absorpation Spectrophotometry. Blood samples were taken in two poration, first blood samples were collected in heparinized tube for total erythrogram and total leukocytic and the second sample was taken in centrifuge tube for obtain clear serum for biochemical analysis. The analyzed data revealed that the mean values in the examined water samples collected from Fakous City amounted 0.90 ppm lead, 0.74 ppm cadmium, 0.092 ppm mercury, 1.07 ppm copper and 3.34 ppm zinc. Examined water samples collected from Bahar El Baker city conteaned 2.89 ppm lead, 0.023 ppm cadmium 0.81 ppm mercury, 2.95 porn copper and 4.72 ppm zinc. Also, the mean values of estimated element in the examined raw milk samples collected from Fakous City were 0.82 ppm lead, 0.33 ppm cadmium,(0.074) ppm mercury, 0.19 ppm copper and 1.18 ppm zinc while respective values in examined raw milk
samples collected from Bahar El Baker City were 1.90 ppm lead, 0.69 ppm cadmium, 0.12 ppm mercury, 0.036 ppm copper and 3.19 ppm zinc. The present work revealed that, erythrogram (total erythrocytic count, haemoglobin % and packed cell volume), total leukocytic count, blood serum glucose, total proteins, albumin and globulins values all were significantly decreased in cattle reared in Bahar El Bakar region with significant increase in serum levels of aminotra-nsferase (ALT AST) alkaline phosphatase activity level, urea and creatinine levels. It could be concluded that, water in Bahar El Baker and milk obtained from cattle reared in Bahar El Baker contain high concentrations of heavy metals and induce adverse effect in hemato-biochemical Parameters s in lactating cows.