Two hundred and forty random raw milk samples were collected from sheep and goats at different villages in Assiut Governorate. These samples represented by 120 each of raw milk as well as milk whey samples for each sheep and goat. The incidence of brucella antibodies in milk samples were estimated by milk ring test (MRT) and by whey Rose Bengal plate test (wRBPT), whey buffered acidified plate antigen test (wBAPAT), whey Rivanol test (wRiv.T) and whey tube agglutination test (wTAT) in their corresponding whey samples. In case of sheep milk samples examined by MRT, 2.5 and 7.5% gave positive ring and ring & disc, respectively, with 10% total positive and 90% negative. While, in milk whey samples, wRBPT, wBAPAT, wRiv.T and wTAT gave 1.67, 1.67, 3.33 and 1.67% positive results. Concerning goat's milk samples, it is evident that 2.5, 10.83 and 1.67% were positive by MRT showing ring, ring & disc and disc, respectively, with total positive results of 15%. Moreover, whey serological tests wRBPT, wBAPAT, wRiv.T and wTAT gave 3.33, 3.33, 2.5 and 1.67% positive results, respectively.