Six hundred Friezian calves of 6-18 months age were stocked in different private farms at Alexandria desert road Egypt were clinically examined, feacal samples and skin scraping were collected for detection of internal parasites, ring worm and mange infestation. Feacal examination revealed that the prevalence rate of gastrointestinal nematode in examined animals was (31.7%). The most prevalent nematodes recovered by larval cultural were Trichotronglus spp. (32.1%), Haemonchus spp. (27.9%), Oestertagia spp. (23.2%), and Nematodirus (16.8%).While the infestation rate of Fasciola spp, para mphystomum and moneizia were 16.3 %, 8.3 % and 107 % respectively. Examination of skin scraping revealed that the prevalence rate of mange was (14.7%). The mycological culture revealed isolate of Trichophyton spp. (20.2%). Mixed infestation of gastrointestinal nematodes and skin lesion due to infestation by mange and infection by ringworm were 34.2% and 43.6 % respectively. Mixed infestation of Fasciola spp.and skin lesion which occur due to infestation by mange and by ringworm was 61 % and 82 % respectively. The efficacy of drugs as Ivomec F, Mangecide and Sulpher ointment 10 % treated mange was 100% while the efficacy of drugs in calves infected by ring worm were Dichlorphen 1.5 %. Tincture iodine 3% and glacial acitic acid 3% was 87.5 %, 95 % and 100 % respectively. The efficacy of drugs used for selected calves wormer in this study were, Abendazole in parasitic gostrointestinal, Fascioala and Moneizia infestation was 96%, 83.3 % and 100 % respectively, while levamisol and Ivomec have 100% efficacy in treatment of parasitic gostrointestinal. The treatment of Fasciola by triclabendazole and Ivomec F was 90 % and 85 % respectively.