The study was conducted on two types of samples: The first one included 651 blood samples collected from the General Establishment of Cattle. These farms were distributed in different Governorates of Syria. The second type included 279 blood samples collected from small-holders of the private sector in the governorate of Homes and Hama Governorate. The study reported sera-prevalence 31-12% using ELISA test on (Enzootic bovine Leukosis, (EBL) in government sector, reported positive cases were reported in 4 farms of 11 farms, distributed geographically in regions of Hama, Tartus, Lattakia and Damascus. The seroprevalence detected in the private sector farms reported as 15% using the mentioned technique. The multiple logistic regression results showed that the productivity age less than the third lactation was the most associated factor with EBL. The positive cases were higher in summer comparing with the winter indicating the importance of season consideration. The study showed the density number as an important factor for the increase positive cases comparing with flocks of less number.