Subclinical mastitis is a disease for lactating animals which leads to loss of milk production, and reduces its quality. Sometimes progress to mastitis as well as the affection of udder my lead to dryness. A total of 160 quarters milk samples were collected from (n=40) she-camels (Camelus dromedarius) in herds in Al-Taif area. All she-camels apparently clinically healthy, the milk samples were examined for subclinical mastitis by using California Mastitis Test (CMT), Somatic Cell Count (SCC) and bacteriological tests. The results showed that the prevalence rate of subclinical mastitis was 23.8%. The main positive of CMT was scores (1+ - 3+), SCC (2X104 – 4.2X105) cell/ml. The predominant isolates were CNS (19.4%); Staph.aureus (14.4%); E.coli (5.6%); Strept.dysagalactiae (3.8%); Strept.agalactiae (2.5%) and Klebsiella pneumonia (1.9%). The accuracy of tests (CMT and SCC) used had got objective goals with the results of microbial isolation and identification. The results of present study showed that the percentage of subclinical mastitis was about of one quarter of tested milk samples and indicated that, there are losses in milk by one quarter. In conclusion, subclinical mastitis must be controlled through upgrading the environmental pasture, regular test of milk, early diagnosis, and all precautions for decreasing and prevention of infection must be taken, in consideration.