This study was carried out to evaluate some clinico-pathological changes in cattle suffering from haematourea and anemiain kafr-Elgalabta village, Menofia Governorate, Egypt. Seven crossbred cows, 3-5 year- old, presented to a private veterinary clinic with a history of parturition one month ago. The clinical signs observed and recorded as passing red colored urine since last 3 days. Animals were dull and depressed, completely anorectic with pale mucous membranes and milk yield reduced from seven liters to less than two liters. The red urine occurred about 4 weeks after parturition. Animals had been fed on a little concentrated diet with hay and Alfalfa Some Affected cows also show fever, diarrhea, and rapid respiration. Blood samples were collected from the seven cases and other samples were collected from 5 healthy cows with the same management program as control group, to determine haematological and biochemical changes during this period. Decreased erythrocyte count and hypophosphatemia were reported in the clinically affected cows. The laboratory results showed that the animals presented low phosphorus concentrations in the plasma, Animals clinically affected by heamoglobiuria showed low number of total red blood cells (TRBC). The values found for hemoglobin in the Control group were 10.7 ±1.8 g.dL while the levels of the affected by heamoglobinuria were 7 ±1.5 g.dL. No changes in the erythrocyte, hemoglobin or plasma phosphorus were observed in the control group.