Monitoring and comparison of MG natural infection occurrence, vertical transmission, egg production and hatchability between same breed two sequential flocks in three broiler breeders farms were performed. The first flock in each farm used different Mg control programs as killed vaccines, antimycoplasmal drugs, live vaccine (F strain) or mixed program (as killed vaccine with antimycoplasmal drug) and the next flock in each farm used TS-11 program (Vaxsafe MG™, Bioproperities®) administrated by eye drop at age of 3-4 weeks after performing ELISA test to ensure that flocks are free from MG antibodies before vaccination. MG natural infection occurrence and vertical transmission were assessed by PCR for detection of field strain in breeders lower trachea, ovaries and air sacs and their progeny clonal cavity and upper trachea. Egg production and hatchability were assessed by comparison of weekly production and hatchability with ideal breed production and hatchability catalog curves and curves of previous flocks used other programs for controlling MG.TS-11 gave better results counter to other MG control programs in all parameters where no natural infection or vertical transmission has been detected where all collected samples gave negative results for PCR except one sample in farm (A) and when repeating sampling and PCR test at 48 weeks old it gave negative result which explaining exposure to challenge but no infection occurs and performance was the best with TS-11 where production and hatchability was better and the differences were significant.