Animal nutrition; Clinical Nutrition; Nutritional diseases
Fish production, Aquarium management, and Aquatic Animal Medicine
Forensic medicine and toxicology
The current study was carried out to investigate the effect of adding zinc and copper oxide nanoparticles metals at different levels from the recommended requirements of fish on the growth performance, biochemical parameters and some antioxidant enzymes in catfish. Three hundred and fifty channel catfish (Clarias gariepinius), average weight (90 ±5 g) were divided into seventh groups. The first group (control group) received the basal diet that contains normal requirements (copper sulfate 12.5 mg / kg DM to provide 5 mg/kg DM copper, zinc oxide 25 mg / kg DM to provide 20 mg/kg DM zinc); the second group (Gr Cu 1) received the basal diet with normal dose requirement from CuO-NPs 6.25 mg / kg DM to provide 5 mg/kg copper; the third group (Gr Cu 2) received the basal diet with half requirement from copper (3.125 mg /kg DM CuO-NPs); the fourth group (Gr Cu 3) received the basal diet with quarter requirement from copper (1.562 mg /kg DM CuO-NPs); the fifth group (Gr Zn 1) received the basal diet with dose requirement from zinc (25 mg /kg DM ZnO-NPs); the sixth group (Gr Zn 2) received the basal diet with half requirement from zinc (12.5 mg/kg DM ZnO-Nps); the seventh group (Gr Zn 3) received the basal diet with quarter requirement from zinc (6.25 mg /kg DM ZnO-NPs). Better responses were reported to feeding nanoparticles at quarter dose than normal dose for both elements (ZnO – CuO). These results were supported by biochemical and the antioxidant enzyme results. We could conclude that the uses of quarter requirements from Zn and Cu nanoparticles were recommended in our work for better performance and growth.
Keywords: Clarias gariepinus, Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles, copper oxide nanoparticles, Growth performance, biochemical parameters, antioxidant
Demonstrator of Nutrition and Clinical Nutrition, Vet. Med., Sohag University.
Associate Professor of Nutrition and Clinical Nutrition, Vet. Med., Sohag University.
Professor of Fish Disease and Management, Vet. Med., Sohag University.
Professor of Nutrition and Clinical Nutrition, Vet. Med., KFS University.
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Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal
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