This research aims at examining the impact of Six Sigma methodo-logy practices on quality perform-ance in the Egyptian pharmaceutical companies. In order to reach this go-al, eight hypotheses have been dev-eloped, and a survey developed by the researcher has been used to co-llect the preliminary data which se-rve the research purpose. The re-liability of the research variables m-easures was ensured through Cro-nbach's alpha measure. Convergent Validity of the research variables m-easures was ensured using factor an-alysis. Path analysis was used to test the research hypotheses and to judge the quality of the overall compat-ibility of the proposed research m-odel and its improvement. The re-search found a statistically signifi-cant positive effect for top manag-ement support on Six Sigma role structure.
And a statistically significant po-sitive effect for Six Sigma role st-ructure on Six Sigma structured im-provement procedure. As well as a statistically significant positive eff-ect for Six Sigma structured im-provement procedure on Six Sigma focus on metrics. In addition to a sta-tistically significant positive effect for Six Sigma focusذonذmetricsذonذ
each productذ/serviceذdesignذand pr-ocess management.
And finally, a statisticallyذsigni-ficant positiveذeffectذfor each pro-duct /service design and process ma-nagement as a Six Sigma metho-dology practices on quality perfo-rmance.