ArticleMother-Daughter Relationship in Alice Tuan’s Last of the Suns (1994) and Ralph Peña’s Flipzoids (1996)
ArticleMother-Daughter Relationship in Alice Tuan’s Last of the Suns (1994) and Ralph Peña’s Flipzoids (1996)
Articleparadise: Toni morrison ,s Development of a Non-Race oriented Attitude Towards Inter-Race relationships
Articleparadise: Toni morrison ,s Development of a Non-Race oriented Attitude Towards Inter-Race relationships
ArticleMasculinity and Family Bonding in Naguib Mahfouz’s Palace Walk and Eudora Welty’s Delta Wedding.
ArticleMasculinity and Family Bonding in Naguib Mahfouz’s Palace Walk and Eudora Welty’s Delta Wedding.
ArticleTranslating Narrative Techniques in Toni Morrison’s Novels into Arabic with Special Reference to the translations of The Bluest Eye by Kamel Yusef Hussein and Beloved by Ameen Al
ArticleTranslating Narrative Techniques in Toni Morrison’s Novels into Arabic with Special Reference to the translations of The Bluest Eye by Kamel Yusef Hussein and Beloved by Ameen Al