The present study is concerned with assessment of land potentiality of an area locating at Bani Mazar's Western Desert fringe, that is bounded by longitudes 30о 09` and 30о 30` E and latitudes 28о30` and 28о 35` N, covering an area of approximately 82883 acres. The area could be distinguished, on basis of remote sensing as well as GIS facilities, into eleven (11) landforms; i.e. three different tablelands (TL), in terms of topography (almost flat TL, gently undulating TL, undulating TL); depression; plateau foot slope; major and minor escarpments; hills; hill foot slope; denuded hills and sand dunes. Twenty two (22) soil profiles, representing the tableland, depression, and plateau foot slope were morphologically described, their physical and chemical properties were determined; and their diagnostic characteristics were assessed. Data indicated that soils generally belong to the order Entisols and could be place, at sub-group level, to Typic Torriorthents and Typic Torripsamments. In addition, there is a relatively limited area belonging to Lithic Torrorthents. Based on CERVATANA model, around 61.9 % of the area is moderately capable for agricultural production (S3), whereas 13.93 % is non-productive and the rest of the area (24 %) is associated with sand dunes, hills and escarpment landform units. At subclass level, there are S3r, referring to moderate capability with slight constraint severity and S3lr specifying those affected by severe soil constraints and erosion risk. In terms of ALMAGARA model, related to the suitability of soil for crop cultivation, tested crop could be arranged as olive > sugar beet > alfalfa > peach > citrus > wheat > maize > melon > potato > sunflower. It is also indicated that about 2.75 % of the acreage area are suitable for peach, citrus and olive, whereas 25.23 % is moderately suitable, 14.36 % is marginally suitable and 33.36 % is not suitable for the selected crops.