Two field experiments were carried out at Etay El- Baroud Agricultural Research Station, El- Behira Governorate, Egypt, during 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 seasons, to study the response of three wheat cultivars i.e. Misr 1, Sids12 and Sakha 93 to five mineral and bio nitrogen fertilization (zero kg N/fed, 25 kg N/ fed + cerealein, 50 kg/ fed + cerealein, 75 Kg N/fed + cerealein and 100 kg N/ fed). The results revealed that Sids 12 cultivar was earliest in heading date and longest spike in both season. Sids 12 was earliest in maturity in the second season and achieved the highest flag leaf area in the first season and longest spike in both seasons. While, Misr 1 gave the highest value of leaf area in the second season and the highest plant in the first season. All studied characters significantly increased by increasing N- fertilization (mineral with biofertilizer) in the first and second season. Sakha 93 gave the highest values of number of grains/spike in the first and second season and grain weight in the second season. On the other hand, Sids 12 was the highest in number of spikes/m2 in the two studied seasons. Misr 1 achieved the heaviest 1000 – grain weight in the second season and it was achieved heaviest grain yield in 1st and 2nd seasons and equaled with Sids 12 in the second season and it achieved the highest values of biological yield in the first season and HI (%) % in both seasons. While, Sakha 93 achieved the highest values of straw yield and biological yield in the second season. All yield and yield components were significantly and gradually increased by N- fertilization up to 100 kg N/ fed in the first and second season. Misr 1 achieved the highest values at 100 kg N/fed in the first and second season and number of spikes/ m2 at 100 kg N/fed in the first season and 75 kg N + cerealein in the second season. While, Sids 12 gave the longest spike at 100 kg in the two seasons. Sakha 93 achieved the highest values of number of grains/ spike during the two growing seasons, grain weight/spike and 1000- grain weight in the second season only at 100 kg N/fed application. Sids 12 gave the highest values of grain weight/spike and 1000- grain weight at 100 kg N/fed in the 1st season. Misr1 gave the highest grain yield in the first season and Sakha 93 in the second season at 100 kg N/fed. While, Sids 12 gave the highest values of straw and biological yield in the first season and Sakha 93 in the second season at 100 kg N/fed.