Anematological survey was conducted to identify plant-parasitic nematodes (PPN) infected or associated with potato plants in five Egyptian governorates. A total of 362 rhizosphere soil and root samples were collected throughout 2014-2017 from the major potato growing cultivation fields in Alexandria, Beheira, Gharbyia, Giza and Monufyia governorates. A total of 12 PPN were presented in the collected soil, roots and tubers of potato plants. The golden nematode, Globodera rostochinses was the most prevalent in most potato fields with 31.7 frequency of occurrence % (FO) and population density (PD) of 219 second stage juveniles (J2)/250 cm3 soil, followed by the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita with 19.6 FO and 220 J2/250 cm3soil, then Hoplolaimus spp., Tylenchorhynchus spp., Pratylenchus spp. and Trichodorus spp. with 2.8-6.6 FO and PD of 76-106 nematodes/250 cm3 soil. The other six PPN genera, i.e., Aphelenchoides, Ditylenchus, Helicotylenchus, Hemicriconematoides, Heterodera, and Tylenchus were also detected but with less frequencies of 0.3-1.4 FO and PD of 60-146 nematodes/250 cm3 soil. In Alexandria governorate, 5 PPN genera were presented on the 3 obtained potato cultivars; Burren, Cara and Slaney. The highest FO was recorded with G. rostochensis on Burren and Slaney potato cvs. and Tylenchorhynchus on Burren cv. with 13.6 FO and PD of 147 and117 J2 or nematodes/250 cm3 soil, respectively. However, M. incognita was only detected on Burren cv. with 4.5 FO and PD of 1050 J2 /250 cm3 soil. Pratylenchus was presented on Burren and Slaney cvs. with 4.5 and 28.6 FO and PD of 60 and 140 nematodes/250 cm3 soil, respectively. The spiral nematode Helicotylenchus was detected only on Slaney cv. with 14.3 FO and 50 nematodes/250 cm3 soil. In El-Beheira governorate, 12 PPN genera were identified on the 5 surveyed potato cvs; Cara, Galactica, Hermes, Lady Rosetta and Spunta. The golden nematode, G. rostochensis and the root-knot nematode, M. incognita were most prevalent on (Hermes and Spunta) and (Cara, Hermes, Lady Rosetta and Sputa) potato cvs. with 44.4 and 26.9 FO and PD of 229 and 219 J2/ 250 cm3 soil, respectively. The other PPN genera were found with less FO (0.4-4.3) and PD of (56-187 nematodes/250 cm3 soil. In El-Gharbya governorate, 5 PPN genera (G. rostochinses, M. incognita, Pratylenchus, Tylenchorhynchus and Tylenchus) were presented on the 3 surveyed potato cultivars, i.e., Antonio, Spunta and Mondial. In El-Giza, the 2 genera; Aphelenchoides and M. incognita were only detected on Lady Rosetta and Spunta potato cvs. with 27.3 and 9.1 FO and 157 and 60 nematodes/250 cm3 soil, respectively. In El-Menoufiya, 5 PPN genera were presented on the 2 surveyed potato cvs; Hermes and Krozo. The root-knot nematode M.incognita had the highest FO of 9.5 and 70 J2/250 cm3 soil on potato cv. Hermes. The other detected genera, i.e., G. rostochienesis, Helicotylenchus, Pratylenchus and Tylenchorhynchus were found with 4 FO and 30-80 nematodes/250 cm3 soil.