This investigation was conducted during 2013 and 2014 seasons on "Anna" apple trees (Malus domestica L.). The trees were 5 years old at the start of experiment, budded on Malusrootstock and grown on sandy loam soil in the orchard of El-Nubaria Horticulture Research Station, Behera Governorate. Treatments sprayed with the specified solutions till run off on trees at full bloom stage at which 80% of flower buds reached the stage of full open and one month after fruit setting. The experiment involved the following treatments: control (spraying with tap water), 0.1%, 0.2% and 0.3% Ca chelated, 1%,2% and 3% K2SO4, 0.1%, 0.2% and 0.3% ZnSO4, 0.1%, 0.2% and 0.3% H3BO3. Data indicated that increasing foliar application of different nutrients concentration increased shoot length, shoot thickness, leaf area, initial fruit set and final fruit % and decreased fruit drop% as compared with control in both experimental seasons. Furthermore, data showed that, 2%, 3% K2SO4 and yield weight/ feddan (ton) significantly increased with H3BO3 application up to 3% in both seasons, while 0.1%, 0.2% Ca chelated and 0.1% ZnSO4 treatments gave the lowest values regardless control treatment in both seasons. Moreover, increasing rates of foliar application of all nutrients treatmentsincreased the content of fruits from TSS % and Vit. C content in fruits in, while it was noticed that, all foliar application of K and Btreatments decreased acidity and Vit. C content of "Anna" apple fruits.The application of Ca and Zn did not affect on sugar contents and anthocyanin, while increased starch contents in "Anna" apple fruits. Also, foliar application of K and H3BO3 treatments increased the sugar contents, while decreased starch contents. Applied of Ca chelated led to increase the Ca %, Mg %, Mn and Cu, while decrease K, Fe and B but not affected on N in the leaf. Also, application of K tended to increase N, P, K, Mg %, Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu in the leaf. The application of B as well as Zn and affected on K, Ca and Mg % in the leaf.