This block No. R.N.659 was found in the storehouse in Qeft, which is was found in the Temple of Awydat in Qeft in 1988 excavations, Which has a royal cartouch on it, where it turns out from the study that it belongs to King Takelot II, the sixth King of the 22th Libyan dynastie, this block is from sand stone , which it a part of a gate ,which believed that the king Takelot II build it in this Temple of Awydat in Qeft , and it was mistakenly Registered in the storehouse Record in Qeft that the block belongs to Roman Emperor Tiberius , but it turns out from the study that it belongs to the King Takelot II, and the cartouches of the King Takelot II and King Takelot III were similar , By studying and comparing royal cartouches, the researcher was able to date them to King Takelot II , who Roule in the North in Tanis , and take control of the south in his Father King Osorkon II Roule by making his son the head of priests of Amun in thebes , and King Takelot II married some of his daughters to some of important people in upper Egypt , this block confirms the Architectural and construction works that the King Takelot II Done , especially in Qeft .