
اتجاهات حديثة في تطوير الإرشاد الأکاديمي لطلاب التخصصات الفنية في المرحلة الجامعية وما بعدها


Last updated: 23 Jan 2023




التربية الفنية بجميع مجالاتها.


ملخص البحث مما لاشک فيه أن عملية الإرشاد الأکاديمي في نظام الساعات المعتمدة لها دور کبير في العلمية التعليمية ، وينعکس ذلک بشکل کبير ومباشر على الطالب والجامعة من حيث انسيابية المادة التعليمية والمدة الدراسية لإنهاء متطلبات التخرج، ومن هنا؛ هدف البحث الحالي إلى التعرف على اتجاهات حديثة في تطوير الإرشاد الأکاديمي لطلاب التخصصات الفنية في المرحلة الجامعية وما بعدها. وأتبع البحث الحالي المنهج الوصفي التحليلي لملاءمته لطبيعة البحث وهدفه  وللتحقق من فروض البحث تم بناء استبانتين الأولى تهدف إلى التعرف على الإرشاد الأکاديمي ودوره في العملية التعليمية لطلاب التخصصات الفنية والثانية تتناول خدمات القبول والتسجيل باعتبارهما متکاملان . وتم تطبيق أدوات البحث على عينة من طلاب التخصصات الفنية عددها 75 طالب لمرحلة البکالوريوس  و30 طالبة في مرحلة الدراسات العليا وباستخدام الأسلوب الإحصائي التکرارات والنسب المئوية توصل البحث إلى عدم توفر تصور واضح للعملية الإرشادية في ذهن الأساتذة الجامعيين ، الدور غير المحدد الذي يمارسه کل من المرشد والطالب حيال الآخر. وعدم إلمام المرشد بکل مقررات الخطة الدراسية والتعليمات الجامعية ذات العلاقة، مما يعوق عملية الإرشاد الأکاديمي ويؤدي إلي نتائج غير مرغوب فيها و أنه يجب تفعيل دور الإرشاد الأکاديمي للطلاب بصفة عامة وطلاب التخصصات الفنية بصفة خاصة،  وأن تحسب ساعاته ساعات تدريسية کأي مقرر دراسي حيث إن المرشدين الأکاديميين في الوقت الحالي يواجهون فرصاً وتحسينات ومشاکل وخيارات لأن التکنولوجيا أصبحت اکثر انتشارا في الحرم الجامعي. وعديد من الجامعات والمعاهد حول العالم تستخدم الآن أنظمة الإرشادالإلکتروني مما يساعد المرشدين والطلاب على المشارکة والمساعدة في اتخاذ قرارات أفضل ونظـرا لندرة الدراسات والبحوث التي تناولت مشکلات الإرشاد الأکاديمي لطلاب  التخصصات  الفنية  قام الباحث بإجراء دراسة استطلاعية حول الإرشاد الأکاديمي وأهميته ودوره في العملية التعليمية وتطويره في ظل التقدم التکنولوجي لطلاب التخصصات الفنية ، والمسؤوليات التي تقع على الجهات المختلفة لتسهيله والعمل به، وکيفية الاستفادة من التجارب الأخرى في نفس المجال وقد أوصى  البحث بالاستفادة من تجارب الجامعات العربية والأجنبية في الإرشاد الأکاديمي وضرورة إخضاع برامج الإرشاد الأکاديمي للمقارنة مع تجارب  الجامعات العالمية والجامعات المماثلة .   New Trends in the Development of Academic Advisory for Students of Art Specializations at Undergraduate and Graduate Studies Abstract Academic advising traces its beginnings to the earliest of American colleges including HarvardUniversity. Academic Advising is the main entrance to build an effective university plan and provide a good education. It is an opportunity to exchange information designed to help students reach their educational and career goals. According to the National Academic Advising Association, "a series of intentional interactions with a curriculum, a pedagogy, and a set of student learning outcomes. Takes stock of student academic interests and advises them on ways to integrate meaningful humanities experiences into their academic life. Thus meant to provide scientific advice and assistance as well as social and behavioral guidance for all students to develop their personalities and professional interests. It also looks for their abilities and its development and encourages them to excellence and innovation , to helps them to deal with various difficulties, by increasing their awareness of academic responsibilities and methods to overcome their problems, which obstruct their ability of academic achievement and to interact with the requirements of university life. The  aims of this article to push up students' scientific and intellectual abilities that make them successful in their academic and social roles and give them distinctive skills that qualify them for excellence to become an educated consumer so you can make well informed decisions. Academic Advisory is central in both pillars of the educational process (the educational institution and the student). From this point academic guidance system imposes duties on both sides of the educational process, these duties are reflected in all administrative, technical and academic rules and regulations that regulate the activity of the entire educational process and its outcomes. Administrative adviser provide assistance in helping a student learn how to make practical academic plans and decisions, how. It has also a vital role in reflecting a broad picture of the university life and explaining various dimensions to the student. There is no doubt that the academic advisory process, in the credit hour system, has a significant role in the educational and scientific process, and this is reflected straightforwardly on the student as well as the university with regard to the course smoothness to finish graduation requirements. This study tries to reveal this problem through the academic difficulties that are faced by art specializations students and may obstruct their academic achievement; and here lies the importance of providing academic advisory services for them. Providing these services has a direct impact on the academic level of students; accordingly, this study seeks to investigate attitudes of students of art specialization towards academic advisory, and tries to investigate if there a relationship between their attitudes and their  art achievements, to discover a range of options available to the student, based on the student's stated goals, and how to think through the consequences of the student's own choices. In addition, it explores the most important advising needs and the fields to which these needs belong ,and the problems confront  the academic advisory for students ,particularly, of  art specializations, as well as the role to be played by the academic advisory to reduce obstacles in the students' educational path.  The importance of this research lies in the absence of studies of the impact of academic advisory on educational achievement for students of art specializations.  Previous studies explored factors affect the academic achievement of university students, in general, and discovered  new influential ones; in order to develop their abilities and skills for the sake of increasing the motivation of their scientific and art achievements. This study aimed mainly to  know the attitudes of art specializations students toward academic advisory that is to identify to how extent  academic advisors perform their duties, according to students of art specializations and how they benefit from the provided academic advisory services. It also highlights the advising practices in some universities and to benefit from different experiences of universities that are global leaders in academic advisory, and to provide recommendations for the development of academic advisory to students of art specializations ,in the light of students' suggestions and universities experiences.. This research followed the descriptive analytical method that is based on studying and following up the target issue and identifying its internal integrated relations. The researcher prepared two questionnaires and presented to the students of art specializations (as a study sample). The first surveys the academic  advisory  and its role in the educational process and it was distributed among students of art specializations. On the other hand, the second one surveys  admission and registration services. Both questionnaires  were statistically analyzed to get results ,which show the decrease in the benefit of academic advisory services for students of art specializations in undergraduate and graduate studies. The result also reveal that there is a strong correlation between the academic advisory and the academic achievement. Consequently, this proves that if universities provide more interest in academic advisory, they will get more compliance and higher academic achievement and eliminating differences between  undergraduate and graduate students. In addition, it shows that there are significant differences between students at the primary levels and those of advanced ones, or between freshmen students and their counterparts on the verge of graduation. It also emphasized the importance of activating the role of academic advisory to students in general and students of art specializations in particular , and to consider advising hours as teaching ones , and the lack of a clear vision of the advising process in the minds of instructors that comes as a result of the unidentified roles practiced by the academic advisors and the student toward the others. Furthermore, academic advisors  lack knowledge in some courses of study plan and the university related instructions, which obstructs academic advisory process and leads to undesirable results. Academic advisors must participate with the college administration issues that need intervention and provide possible solutions, and they must be enabled and developed professionally and culturally. Moreover, all instructors should get training courses in academic advisory to practice their duties, and allocate small numbers of students to faculty members to provide effective assistance, in addition to specifying time for individual advising, as well as coral guidance. Currently, academic advisors find opportunities, improvements, problems and options because technology has become more prevalent on campus. Many universities and institutes around the world, use electronic  advising  systems  to help academic advisors and students to make better collaborative decisions. This research tackled this issue because of the scarcity of studies and research that investigate the academic advisory problems of  art specializations students. The researcher prepared an exploratory study on the academic advisory, its importance and its role in the educational process for students of art specializations in an era of technological development and the responsibilities of the various parties to facilitate the work and how to take advantage of other experiences in the same field.    




اتجاهات حديثةفي تطوير الإرشاد الأکاديمي



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العدد الثاني يونية 2014 الجزء الاول

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المجلة العلمية لکلية التربية النوعية - جامعة المنوفية

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23 Jan 2023