Background: Epidemiology of orofacial malignancies is under-resourced in the middle, although it is most needed to improve the treatment plans, provide reliable data for the policymakers and conduct realistic feasibility studies for medical research.
Objective: This study reviews the available statistics about the total number of reported malignancies between 2016 to 2021, their mortalities and the percentage of orofacial malignancies at the national level. It also investigates the pathologically established diagnosis of orofacial malignancies in Cairene health institutions.
Method: The annual bulletins and detailed reports of Health Services published by Central Agency of Public Mobilization and Statistics and the pathology departments of major public health institutes in Cairo were examined. The Kaplan–Meier method with confidence interval and Log-Rank test are used to calculate the survival analysis for the five studied groups
Results: The number of reported malignancies in Egypt in the span of 2006 to 2021 are 201192, 205064, 238044, 256371, 284209 and 338499, respectively. Of these malignancies, orofacial malignancies ranged from 3.546 % to 9.6639%. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the rate of mortality of orofacial malignancies decreased. Yet, the survival rate for the five studied groups was constant.
Advances in Knowledge: Orofacial malignancies ranged from 3.55 % to 9.66%. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the rate of mortality of orofacial malignancies decreased. Yet, the survival rate for the five studied groups was constant. Head and neck pathologists must incline to examine the biopsies carefully because the survival rate of what seems to be histomorphologically similar corresponds to different survival rate and warrants different therapeutic interventions.