Aim:This review article will help the clinician to understand the orthodontic tooth movement and to be familiar with minimally invasive surgical methods to accelerate orthodontic tooth movement.
Methods:The PubMed and Google Scholar were searched for any literature published until November 2016 using the following key words: corticision, piezocision, micro-osteoperforations, piezopuncture and laser assisted flapless corticotomy. Only randomized controlled clinical trials in english language were included to facilitate decision making.
Conclusion:The minimally invasive corticotomy was reported to be safe and effective method for accelerating orthodontic tooth movement. Moreover, it could be used in the routine orthodontic practice. No evidence was found concerned with the effect of flapless corticotomyin reducing the total treatment time.
Keywords: minimally invasive flapless corticotomy, corticision, piezocision, micro-osteoperforation, piezopuncture and laser assisted flapless corticotomy.
1. Introduction.
1.1. History of corticotomy.
1.2. The underlying mechanism of corticotomy.
1.2.1. Biology of tooth movement.
1.2.2. Regional acceleratory phenomenon (RAP).
1.3. The minimally invasive flapless corticotomy.
1.3.1. Corticision.
1.3.2. Piezocision.
1.3.3. Micro-osteoperforations.
1.3.4. Laser assisted flapless corticotomy.
2. Methods.
3. Results.
3.1. Piezocision.
3.2. Micro-osteoprforation.
3.3. Laser assisted flapless corticotomy.
4. Discussion.
5. Conclusion.
6. References.