Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the clinical and microbiological effectiveness of subgingival irrigation with 10% povidine-iodine and 0.1% hexetidine as an adjunctive treatment to (SRP) of patients with moderate chronic periodontitis.
Subjects and Methods: Forty subjects were included in the study; twenty subjects as healthy control and twenty patients with moderate chronic periodontitis as study group. Full-mouth clinical periodontal parameters, including periodontal probing depth, plaque index, gingival index and gingival bleeding index were recorded at baseline in both groups and after treatment in study group. Plaque samples were collected at baseline for study and control groups and five weeks after therapy for the study group. Plaque samples were cultured semi-quantitatively detection of Prophyromans gingivilis and Prevotella intermedia.
Result: At base line significant difference was found in clinical indices and bacterial count between the study and control groups. The results of the present study showed a significant reduction in all clinical parameters (GI, PI, PPD, GBI and CAL) after treatment in study group where the side received SRP & PVP-I side showed significant improvement in all clinical paramerter. The count of P. gingivilis, P. intermedia and total bacterial count were significantly reduced after treatment in the study group with no significant difference in both sides. After treatment both sides of study group was high significant with healthy in clinical parameter and microbiology analysis.
Conclusions: Subgingival irrigation with 10% PVP-I and 0.1% HEX is an effective adjunctive therapy to SRP in treatment of moderate chronic periodontitis, with more benefit derived from the use 10%PVP-I.
Key word: PVP-I,HEX and chronic periodontitis