Kabil A1,Elsayad M2,ElmekawyN3.
1Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt.
2Ass. Prof. of Removable Prosthodontics,Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt.
3Ass. Prof. of Removable ProsthodonticsDepartment of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt.
Objectives:This study aimed to analyze the relation between length of edentulous span and implant placement on stress transmission to the abutment implant retaining a bilateral mandibular distal extension removable partial overdenture..
Methods:Four acrylic models were grouped into two equal groups according to the implant position. Group (I), (mesial implant placement): was divided into two equal subgroups according to edentulous span length: Subgroup (1) (long span), Subgroup (2) (short span). Group (II) (distal implant placement): was divided into two equal subgroups according to edentulous span length: Subgroup (3) (long span), Subgroup (4) (short span. Three strain gauges were cemented to the buccal, lingual and distal sides of each implant. Static unilateral (right) loads of 60 N were applied and the stresses were measured. All measurements were repeated ten times for each loading impact, and means were calculated.
Results:At the loading side subgroup 3 recorded the greatest strain around the implant and subgroup 2 recorded the lowest strain around the implant.
Conclusions:With the limitations of this study, for bilateral mandibular distal extension removable partial overdentures a mesially placed implant may be considered preferable to a distally placed implant from a stress analysis point of view.
Keywords: implant placement, mandibular distal extension, removable partial overdenture, stress analysis