Salah A.Hegazy ,Elsayed M. Abdel-Khalek, Mohamed A.Shams .
Purpose: To assess the retention and peri-implant outcomes on quadrilateral distributed four ball attachment retaining implant mandibular overdenture.
Material and methods:Sixfully edentulous patients were enrolled for this study with an average age from 45-55 years.Conventional complete dentures were made and duplicated intostereolithographic surgical guideusing CBCT. According toimplant planning, each patient received four anterior mandibular implants placed at the lateral incisor and first premolar region bilaterally in a quadrilateral design. After3-4 months osseointegration period, ball attachments were screwed to the implants and matrices were picked-up into the mandibular overdenture. The retention of the mandibular overdenture was evaluated after one month of mandibular over-denture insertion (T0), threemonths (T2), and sixmonths (T3) post insertion.Alsoperi-implant outcomes were assessed at the same timeby the use of the following variables (1) modified plaque index ;(2) modified bleeding index;(3)probing depth.
Results:Comparing the retentive forces of the prosthesis atdifferent periods of study, there was statistically significant decrease in retention measurements after three months of denture insertion.Also asignificant decrease of retention after six months from denture insertion was observed.Theperi-implant clinical outcomes showed statistical significant increase inmodified plaque index and probing depthwith the advancement of time, whilebleeding index was significantly decreased.
Quadrilateral fourimplant distribution in the anterior mandibular area retaining an overdenture with ball attachments could be areliable treatment optionfor edentulous mandible and that distribution design may improve the prosthetic prognosis regarding peri-implant tissue outcomes in this short term study.