Today, the Egyptian family, especially women, faces many problems and challenges caused by social and economic changes and the massive technological transformation. The commission of crimes against children and adults, and all of this naturally led to a change in the perception of the family, whether in terms of its functions or in terms of the relationships that have changed within it and among its members, which took many negative forms and threatens the cohesion of its various forms. In turn, this study aimed to identify the categories covered by the services of the Family Counselling and Guidance Offices from the point of view of the officials, as well as to identify the social empowerment programs provided by the offices of family guidance and counseling to Egyptian women, and to determine the roles of the Family Counselling and Guidance Offices in achieving the social empowerment of Egyptian women. Social survey method and questionnaire tool for social workers working in your office Follow family guidance and counseling to find out how to empower women and play their roles. The results of the study answered all her questions.