The aim of this study is to compare the effect of phacoemulsification on
cornealendothelium in type 1 and 2 of diabetes mellitus (DM).
Patients and methods
This study is a retrospective, interventional, comparative study that included
400eyes of 320 patients with DM and with visually significant cataract. The
patientswere divided into two equal groups: one group with type 1 and the
other with type 2DM. Specular microscopy assessing the endothelial cell
count was done beforesurgery and after it 1 and 3 months in both groups.
The two groups were highly comparable to each other regarding the mean
age,axial length, manifest refraction, and endothelial cell count.
Postoperatively, therewas a statistically significant difference between the
two groups regarding theendothelial cell count. Both groups had
endothelial cell loss from mean of2150–1879 in type 1 DM group and from
2213 to1995 in type 2 DMgroup. Theendothelial cell loss was more in type
1 DM group than in type 2DM (P<0.005).
Phacoemulsification produces endothelial cell loss in diabetic patients more in
type1 than in type 2 DM.