The present study investigated the effect of supplementation of quercetin on changes in body weight, lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzymes activities gastrocnemius muscular tissues in different rat ages (1M & 10M). Average body weight of experimental rats was as follows: 1M (28.37±2.52g), & 10M (211.45±12.14g). Male rats were divided into two groups: control rats (C1M, C10M), fed on laboratory regular diet, and quercetin treatments (Q1M꞊0.108 mg, Q10M꞊0.86mg). It was observed that the daily weight gain in quercetin group was higher than that of control group. ln addition to normal growth, food consumption, and muscle mass, rat treated with the quercetin enriched diet did not exhibit obvious signs of toxicity including failure to groom or lethargy. Importantly, supplementation with quercetin did not result in unexpected deaths. Quercetin treatment increases the content of GPx in (1M) by 22.45%, but decreasing GPx by 25.32% for 10M, when compared with values of the control group. Quercetin treatment increases the content of SOD at different ages by 16.2% & 68.15%, for 1M & 10M, respectively, when compared with values of the control group. It was found that tissue MDA was increased by 168.8% & 110.0% at 1M & 10M, respectively, when compared with value of control 1M. When comparing quercetin treatments at different ages, it is noted the MDA content of muscular tissues decrease by 35.9% at 10M, when compared with values of quercetin treatment 1M. Skeletal muscle of non-treated animal (10M) showing marked hyalinization and fragmentation of muscle fibers whereas Skeletal muscle of Quercetin-treated animal (10M) showing focal hyalinization of muscle fibers while the remaining bundles were within normal. Conclusion: Quercetin could be used as anti-aging modulator against changes in gastrocnemius muscle resulted in aging.