There is no doubt that the choice of the Kharijites movement a subject of search is not without risk because it requires to provide more facts about this movement, general studies, which focused on Baljuj in the heart of Islam characterize most concise, we do not find in many of which only listed was quoted by some sources, and although The importance of this movement and the weight of political, military and intellectual weight, but it has had a small number of studies, notes researcher weak interest in this movement at a time when enjoyed movements else, formed after such Shiites and Mu'tazila and Qaramita and others, with great interest, especially in the second half of the twentieth century in the context of search traffic in the Islamic aspects of the political, social and intellectual Arab heritage.
All that we have mentioned earlier highlights choose Kharijites subject to search, to understand the nature of this movement and opposition to recognize their characteristics and advantages and track their evolution over the rule of the era of caliphate, and to identify the role played during this important stage in the history of the Islamic state, so eating this research definition of this movement, and when it appeared, and the reasons for exit, to clarify their role in planting the seeds of discord that occurred between the Companions of the Messenger of Allah r, and led to the death of caliphs and Osman Ali, God bless them.
The importance of this study in interest in the study of Islamic history in general, and the study of some of the movements that have emerged, and almost be ridden Islam and Muslims is the most important Kharijites movement, so the goal of this research is to stimulate and encourage researchers to clarify the hidden aspects of this movement through Islamic sources, has identified geographical area the subject stretching from Medina in the east region and even Egypt in the west, since the beginning of the succession Othman bin Affan , and until the end of the succession of Ali bin Abi Talib (23 AH / 643 AD 40 AH / 660 AD).
The approach taken in this research is the historical method, as well as other scientific methods followed by the researcher to provide useful information, namely: - descriptive analytical method: which describes the historical phenomenon after confirmation of their occurrence, analysis and taking into account the many questions: What happened? But what happened? And how it happened? And what resulted in what happened ?, has also been relying on the comparative method: which is based on the comparison between the historic event with the one to indicate what is and what it stressing that the comparative study is the best interpretation of the historic event, by comparing the research sources, and historical novels and writings of ancient and contemporary , different views, and schools of jurisprudence and political, and the multiplicity of views, and do not forget the role of the curriculum Alastrdada: which is intended to recover the historical incident and according to the circumstances in which it occurred judged by the logic of these conditions is not from our point of view in modern times in which we live.