Urethral stricture remains one of the oldest known urologic diseases and also still a common problem with high morbidity. Recurrence rate of VIU is high in different studies ranging from 20% to 60%, the aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of MMC in reducing the recurrence of urethral stricture after VIU. Our consider incorporated 30 patients torment from < 2 cm urethral stricture, starting with might 2018 should november 2019. These patients were randomized under two aggregations; gathering An (study group) incorporated 15 patients who were subjected with intralesional MMC then afterward VIU, What's more one assembly b (control group) incorporated 15 patients who were subjected to VIU best. Utilizing An Cold-knife those urethrotomy might have been performed under immediate dream What's more incisions were aggravated during 12-, 5-, What's more 7 O'clock positions taken after Toward intralesional infusion from claiming MMC. Every one patients were took after dependent upon to 6 months and the stricture repeat rate might have been compared the middle of those two aggregation. Of the aggregate 30 patients, 4 patients clinched alongside gathering a and 3 tolerant On one assembly b were lost should catch up in the initial 2 months Furthermore Subsequently were dropped from the ponder. Those test might have been consequently decreased will 23 patients who were separated under two aggregations. Bunch An (study group) comprised 11 patients who were subjected should intralesional mitomycin c's after VIU. Aggregation b (control group) comprised 12 patients who underwent VIU main. There might have been statistically critical Contrast the middle of 2 bunches in regards will stricture repeat ; 2 patients On one assembly a (18. 2%) Furthermore 7 patients On bunch b (58. 3%) required repeat (p=0. 02). Various intralesional MMC injections Emulating VIU need An possibility with markedly decrease those repeat about urethral stricture.